Group Therapy Workshops
Give Your Child The Gift of Success

Counseling Services For Kids & Parents With ADHD In Katy, TX

Here's The Good News: You're Not Alone, And There's Hope!

Here's The Good News: You're Not Alone, And There's Hope!

Does your child seem like a whirlwind of energy, with emotions that can erupt like a mini-volcano? Maybe bedtime turns into a battle royale, or homework explodes into frustration? They’re not alone! Many amazing children have incredible brains that work a little differently. But what if you could help them channel that energy into superpowers and master their emotions like a superhero themself?

ADHD & Anger Management Workshop Led By Leading Experts!

Unleash your kids’ potential with our ADHD, Anger Management & Social Skills Workshop! This workshop is designed to be the ultimate training ground for your young hero! Our ADHD, Anger Management & Social Skills Workshop, led by leading experts in ADHD and child development, is designed to help your extraordinary child become the hero of their own story.

ADHD & Anger Management Workshop Led By Leading Experts!

They’ll Learn To:

Channel their superpowers into incredible things. (Think focused creativity!)

Master their emotions like a true hero! Discover techniques to become a calmer, more focused CHILD! (Say goodbye to meltdowns!)

Master the Art of Chill: Develop healthy coping mechanisms to manage anger and frustration. (The kind of hero everyone wants on their side!)

Forge Powerful Alliances: Build strong social skills to create a league of awesome friends. (Teamwork makes the dream work!)

Become a Focus Force: Learn strategies to channel boundless energy into amazing achievements.

Age-Specific Adventures

5–7-Year-Old: Wiggle Warriors!

Embark on a fun-filled adventure to build focus and emotional regulation.

8–10-Year-Old: Masters of Mindfulness!

Learn relaxation techniques and communication skills to become communication ninjas!

11–13-Year-Old: Champions of Chill!

Develop strategies for managing stress and build unshakable self-esteem.

14–16-Year-Old: Titans of Tranquility!

Explore communication tools and healthy ways to express emotions, becoming masters of their inner world, cultivating strategies to effectively manage stress and foster unwavering self-esteem.

A Dynamic Adventure Filled With Fun Activities

A Dynamic Adventure Filled With Fun Activities

This workshop isn’t just lectures. It’s a dynamic adventure filled with fun activities, games, and prizes that will keep your child engaged while learning valuable life skills.

Parents Are Welcome Too!

Optional Separate Sessions Are Available For Parents To Learn Alongside Their Children And Gain Valuable Insights

Parents Coaching

Summer Camps For Kids Ages 5-12

Become a Focus Force: Learn strategies to channel boundless energy into amazing achievements

Here’s What Parents Are Saying!

Ready To Help Your Child Thrive?
Children With ADHD Have Incredible Potential!